
This module allows authorized users to send messages through the bot, and/or editing previously sent messages.


Command Syntax

!msgsend (channel id/mention) [message to send]

Command Description

Sends a message to a channel in the current server.

You can use embed json built with instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

You can attach a file/image to the command to have GiselleBot send the file/image as attachment on the target message.


!msgsend #this-channel Hello world!
!msgsend #that-channel { "description": "Hello world!" }


Command Syntax

!msgedit (channel id/mention) (message id) (new message content)

Command Description

Edits a previously sent message.

You can use embed json built with instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

You cannot edit a message attachment.


To remove the content (plain text) of a message, pass {"content":""} as new message content. To remove all embeds of a message, pass {"embeds":[]} as new message content.


!msgedit #that-channel 123456789098765432 Hello world! I'm alive!


Command Syntax

!webhooksend (webhook name) (message to send)

Command Description

Sends a message to a webhook in the current channel. If the webhook name is made by two or more words, please surround the name with by double quotes.

This command is meant to test the functionality of a Discord webhook. For this reason, the feature is limited to sending a message to a webhook that is set within the channel from where the command is run.

You can use embed json built with instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

You can attach a file/image to the command to have GiselleBot send the file/image as attachment on the target message.

Permissions Needed

User: Manage Webhooks
Bot: Manage Webhooks


!webhooksend "Spidey Bot" Hello world!
!webhooksend News { "description": "Hello world!" }