.. _premium-perks: ************* Premium Perks ************* Throughout this documentation, you'll find a few notes about Premium-locked features. These features are only unlocked by either becoming a Patron for the developer, or by establishing a partnership with the developer. Here's a link to our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cycloptux As a way to cover the hosting (and development) costs of the bot and its infrastructure, Patreon is used as the main source of month-to-month income. .. seealso:: `Patreon `_ is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid. Within the Patreon dictionary, subscribers are called "patrons". Here's a summary of the available Premium tiers and the corresponding unlocked perks, the pricing details will be on the Patreon page. More perks will be added over time, including free currency and early access to new features! .. warning:: You should be the **owner**, or an **administrator** (or a representative of similar rank), of the server you're activating the Patreon perks for. Upon successfully pledging for a Patreon tier, join the official Support Server on Discord ( |bot_support| ) and **submit an entry in the "Patreon Verification" form** by sending a DM to GiselleBot#8602 with |bot_prefix|\ submit on Discord to request the activation of the premium perks in your server. If the form does not show up in the list of available forms, send the |bot_prefix|\ submit command in the #bot-spam channel within the server. Tier 0: Show Your Support! ========================== For a very small pledge, you're showing your appreciation of my work and participating in the costs of keeping the bot up. This tier won't give you any extra perks. Tier 1: Basic Addons ==================== By becoming a **Tier 1** (or higher) patron, you'll get access to: * (Alarms & Reminders) **unlimited repeating messages** (removing the default cap of 5 repeating messages per server) * (Server Administration) **Users**, **Server** and **Voice** loggers * (Server Administration) access to the |bot_prefix|\ logignore command to **selectively ignore entities from being logged** * (Server Administration) send delay and auto-deletion maximum time for **greet and goodbye messages** (including role ones) **increased from 5 to 15 minutes** * (Command Scheduler) **Command Scheduling** interval raised from 1 hour to **12 hours** * (Currency System, Social/EXP Ranking) **Experience and Currency** gained on each message and by using the |bot_prefix|\ timely command will be boosted by **5%** for **all users** in your server! * (Utility) **up to 5 simultaneous clock channels** (removing the default cap of 1 clock channel per server) You will also gain access to any or all of the "alpha" unreleased modules. Access to alpha modules, when available, must be specifically requested. Tier 2: Premium Support, Extended Modules ========================================= By becoming a **Tier 2** (or higher) patron, you'll gain access to a dedicated "priority support" channel within the Official Support Server ( |bot_support| ), where you'll get a priority answer from the developer upon encountering any issue. You'll also get to pick a custom color for your name in the official support server. Tier 2 patrons unlock some improvements on the **trivia module** and get the whole potential of the **music module**, plus some more perks: * (Server Administration) enhanced **Members** logging with the "Invites Tracking" feature * (Trivia) **up to 30 questions** per trivia game * (Trivia) maximum trivia games duration raised to **up to 7 days** * (Command Scheduler) **Command Scheduling** interval raised to **1 week** * (Currency System, Social/EXP Ranking) **Experience and Currency** gained on each message and by using the |bot_prefix|\ timely command will be boosted by **7%** for **all users** in your server! * (Verification) Ability to set an **additional short message** to be sent to users that attempt a verification Tier 3: Unlocked Original Modules ================================= By becoming a **Tier 3** (or higher) patron, you'll unlock the whole potential of |bot_name|'s original modules: * (Forms Builder) create **up to 20 forms** in your server (removing the default cap of 3 forms) * (Raid Rooms) **uncap the number of simultaneous Raid Rooms** that can be created in a server (removing the default cap of 5 simultaneous rooms) * (Trivia) get access to the |bot_prefix|\ triviaexport command, and to the full list of **"Trivia Template" commands**: |bot_prefix|\ triviatsave, |bot_prefix|\ triviatload, |bot_prefix|\ triviatdelete and |bot_prefix|\ triviatshow. * (Command Scheduler) **Command Scheduling** interval raised to **1 month** * (Currency System, Social/EXP Ranking) **Experience and Currency** gained on each message and by using the |bot_prefix|\ timely command will be boosted by **12%** for **all users** in your server!